Young Author Mentoring
Do you have a budding author in need of mentoring?
A child who writes and writes and writes, but doesn’t know what to do with it? And you can’t really help them?
Perhaps they need guidance and mentoring, someone to look over what they have written and provide advice. Maybe they need help with plotting, planning and the mechanics of writing longer text.
Without understanding novel structure, it is easy to get lost in the middle of your story and end up abandoning it. Believe me, I’ve been there.
As an author of children’s books, I’ve spent years practising my craft. It is a process of continual learning, but I know through countless drafts what works and what doesn’t.
I would like to share what I know to help others learn and develop their writing.
Join my mentoring scheme
What will it involve?
Depending on the number of words, you can choose from a one-off payment or a monthly package:
£36 for up to 1500 words
£72 for up to 3000 words
£120 for up to 5000 words
£240 for up to 10,000 words
According to the level you opt for, you email me the extract and I will go through it, marking up with my suggested edits. An additional read-through or further edits will be subject to additional costs. Please email to set this up.
You can also book a 1:1 Zoom call with me
During this hour, we will go through the details of structuring a novel, how to develop character arcs, plotting and character development. This is ideal for those who want to gain a better understanding of writing in a longer form. The price for a 1:1 is £48.

If you’d like to discuss how I could help your child, please get in touch at